For I am scared.
Like being afraid of the dark, I am afraid of the unknown, the future which is hidden from my sight by the veil of time. I do not know what is behind it, so my imagination conjures monsters, traps, dangers, and tragedies. Aside from the vague, indefinite future, two major fears are plaguing my thoughts tonight.
I fear for my career. I have watched as benefits that I expected or counted on have been taken away, in some cases just before I was supposed to get them. Meanwhile, I have seen other places where even worse as happened, and I am afraid there fate will be mine. But the stronger fear rises that I might not have a job at all, that all for which I have worked will be stripped away like it was nothing and that I will have to start at the bottom once again. I don't know if I should start looking for other options now, before things get worse or I am too set in my ways to make the change that may be needed.
I fear for my daughters. I am scared that they are making choices that may jeopardize their own futures. I am especially concerned that they are going to settle in the matter of love, that their choices regarding relationships are made out of convenience and fear. More terrifying to me is that I am afraid that I am pushing them away. While I fear that I might give them bad advice, I am more worried that they will not seek, let alone heed, my advice at all.
Lord, grant me the wisdom to know what to do and the strength to carry it out, even if it means leaving it entirely in your hands. Whatever paths I must take, please take this worry and fear that cloud my mind. Please ease the anger that is born from my fears and allow my fears to melt into faith.