Now, I do have that pile of cellophane-wrapped movies to make my way through. Just the pile that has movies that no one other than myself wants to see has eleven movies in it (I removed the 5 movie set of Underworld at the request of a friend who wants to do a marathon run of them). I watched Kill Bill Parts 1 and 2 today--which I enjoyed more than Pulp Fiction, but I'm still not a fan of Tarantino's mishmashed style. The rest of my day was filled with errands, chores, and some video game time.
Janelle was clearly concerned that I was going to spend too much time sitting, so she conspired to fill 25 pots full of plants (plus a garden) that she needs me to tend. Now, when I say pots, I mean that 13 of them are a foot and a half in diameter (over four feet around), weigh about twenty-five pounds, and need to be carried from the garage to the porch in the morning and back into the garage in the evening due to the near-freezing nighttime temperatures. There are four others that join the parade, but they can be carried two at a time. Meanwhile, I am also supposed to water them to different degrees depending on the plants and the outside temperature, dragging the hose across the yard to get to her cabbages.
Oh, and she made it clear that if any of her plants die, it's because I don't love her.
Yeah, I think she just wanted to be sure I got in my steps.
Tomorrow, I start up my exercise regime that is beyond just carrying and caring for plants. Today I used the early morning airport driving and Trevor's orthodontist appointment as my excuses to avoid it. Considering how winded carrying the plants made me, I'm not starting a moment too soon.
It's weird. With the sun still well above setting and no one else in the house, it's hard to believe that it's already this late. This is going to be a strange week.