On Janelle's return home from work, we watched Serendipity--a rom-com from 2001 with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale (whom I had just seen in the Underworld movies). We hadn't seen the movie before, but several of Janelle's friends had recommended it to her, so she's been wanting to see it since the DVD arrived. It was a genuinely cute movie that I wouldn't mind seeing again. I do wish that they had kept the Christmas theme throughout as this could have been a solid holiday movie and would have been more in keeping with the overall concept.
Thinking about the movie sent me down the rabbit-hole of looking at lists of best-ever rom-coms. There are many different opinions on the Internet (although When Harry Met Sally almost always tops the lists) and certainly plenty that I don't share. We used to watch them more often--well, we used to watch movies more often in general (yes, I realize that I've had two movie marathons this break--I stand by what I wrote). There haven't been many lately that have caught my interest (although, Crazy Rich Asians was wonderful). I wouldn't mind revisiting some of my favorites again. Also, I wouldn't mind finding some new favorites, too.