I truly believe that abortion is an abomination which creates at least two victims: the child and the mother whose child has been killed. However, I also believe that most anti-abortion legislation has little to do with actually stopping abortions. Simply outlawing abortions has not been proven to stop them any more than tougher laws against drugs has stopped drug use. Moreover, laws against abortion can put women who have suffered the loss of a child due to tragic and natural circumstances in the horrifying position of having to prove that they did not kill their child intentionally.
Instead, the pro-life movement should advocate for better healthcare and sexual education. More importantly, the pro-life movement should be for societal change so that having children is not such a tremendous economic burden--a financial strain that has significantly increased in recent decades. Meanwhile, counseling and aid for expecting parents should be part of our community-wide responsibility in caring for children beyond just their birth.
Unfortunately, most candidates who profess to be pro-life have little actual care about life, but instead use the issue to create faceless victims while promoting policies that are the antithesis of what a pro-life person should advocate. The pro-life movement, instead of preaching love and offering mercy, has become a basis for spreading hatred and intolerance. It has become another excuse for the self-righteous to cast blame and judgement on others.
With Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death today, I fear that corrupt elements of our government will use "pro-life" as an excuse to put in another judge, like Kavanaugh, who has openly stated that the President can do no wrong while in office. I worry that totalitarianism will be the end result of the Senate rushing through a "pro-life" justice. Worse, I believe that people will cheer it as a victory while it actually would be a defeat for true Christian values.