My father was a big fan of James Garner. I believe his favorite movie is The Americanization of Emily (which is certainly worth watching). Along with the Rockford Files, he also tried to watch any of the reruns of Maverick, which I enjoyed more, that he could find. I know that these characters helped to form my idea of what a hero should be. They didn't seek out confrontations and they often looked for non-violent solutions. They were concerned about day-to-day life, but had a code of ethics that didn't allow them to ignore the downtrodden.
As I grew up, seeing James Garner in a film or show was like seeing a relative or friend. I didn't always like the roles that he played, but I still looked forward to seeing him. With that in mind, his passing has affected me almost as much as if a relative or friend passed away. It amazes me how much we are affected by the lives of people who never met us.
We watched the first half of the Rockford Files pilot episode last night. The clothes and hairstyles are entertaining and the show's pacing is MUCH slower than to what we are now accustomed, but the show is still entertaining and it was like seeing an old friend again. Rest in peace, James Garner.