When I fed the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked, "Why are they poor?" they called me a communist.
-Hélder Câmara
This idea sums up most of what I think about politics and economics. People claim that they want to help the poor, but they do not want to examine the system that causes poverty in the first place. Politicians often manage to put the blame of poverty on the people who are its greatest victims instead of accusing the true sources of unequal wealth distribution. People who do point out the true cause are labeled as communist, socialist, or revolutionary.
Do not seek to understand in order to believe, but believe so that you may understand.
-Augustine of Hippo
I have seen so many good people get this idea backwards. They want come kind of unequivocal proof before they are willing to believe in God. I believe that the proof is in every breath we draw, in every atom that composes every piece of our world. Because people deny what they see around them, how can any evidence persuade them?