I had liked Warcraft II quite a bit before I was introduced to Starcraft, but once I started playing the latter, the former never really got attention from me again. There's something about the concept that grabs my imagination, and the gameplay is balanced enough that I enjoy each time I play. Well, almost every time ...
It was my brother who introduced me to the multiplayer aspect of the game. I quickly found that while I was able to do very well at his LAN parties, playing on the wide open Internet was much more problematic. As I have gotten older, my reaction times have not kept up with the required curve, and I have not dedicated time to practice an hone my skills as my time is pretty limited as is.
Now, playing Starcraft II multiplayer is one of the main ways that I spend time with my brother (who lives a time-zone away). Much of the time, I enjoy building a strategy with him and facing off against opponents who are more devious than the game's A.I. Sometimes, however, it's just frustration.
Last night, I had to put up with a couple of harassing players. I was already on a losing streak, but this just rubbed salt in the wound. In the second case, we even won, but a member of the losing team made it a point to tell everyone how terrible of a player I was. I know that it was just the taunting of an immature mind, but it stung nonetheless. It turns out that he was "griefing" the game anyway. I am only ranked at silver (which is only one rank up from bronze, the lowest category, where I usually sit). He had a master ranking (4 ranks higher) but was playing as "unranked" so he could harass lesser players (such as myself).
The problem is that I revert to my lizard brain when I get that frustrated. I start yelling and cursing at the game. I yell at my kids if they're in the room. I pretty much turn into a monster version of myself. A part of me wants to quit playing the game entirely as I don't like that side of me, but another part says that I need to keep playing so that I continue my quest to learn how to lose more graciously.
I will keep playing. There is still the third part of the story that needs to come out, and I like getting to spend time with my brother, even if it is virtually. Perhaps I need to tape a note to my monitor saying "Deep breaths; it's just a game." One way or the other, I shouldn't let moronic minds determine my own emotions, or make me stop playing a game that I love.