My superhero finds himself shocking things around him more and more, unknowingly building a charge within himself. He is becoming a conduit for the Earth's electromagnetic field. He doesn't draw energy from devices that create electricity, but he interrupts their operation. When he learns how to control his power, he can serve as a power source. In the beginning, however, he keeps pulling in energy until he overloads and causes a massive disruption around him.
Government agencies are going to take an interest in him, but his larger problem is just dealing with everyday interactions with the people who know and care for him. When he overloads, he can be quite dangerous. He's not facing any sort of supervillains, so part of his problem is also figuring out what to do with this gift that has been given to him. A main theme of this story is understanding what we should do with the talents given to us, especially when those talents are way above the norm.
This is not a pressing story idea, but one that came to me in a dream (probably after playing inFamous, whose main character has a similar power). Like I said, it's derivative, but something about it still makes me think that it would be worth writing.