Immediately after mass, I headed back home, switched vehicles and took the family to Our Lady of Angels church in Kenai for their Thanksgiving buffet. Janelle brought her amazing sweat potato casserole. It was an amazing spread with plenty of great food. We met several nice people, but did not stay for bingo, as we still wanted to have our traditional family meal today as well.
Due to the past few warm days and a night of heavy rain, much of the snow has disappeared. While the ice and slush are gone from the main roads, several of the side roads, including the roads that we take home, were quite slick. We didn't have any problems driving, but Janelle is concerned about later in the week as the temperatures begin to drop again.
At home, we made (and received) a number of phone calls from family, including a Skype call with our daughters, Alex and Katrina, that lasted over an hour. Meanwhile we worked at getting the main meal together, finally eating at around eight.
It has been a great day which was alone worth our thanks. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving too.