This is the type of person we should have running our country. Not people who are uncompromising or inflexible, but people who stand for what is right because it is right. Too often, holding to the side of right is seen as a weakness or a lack of understanding about our reality. To me, these people understand reality just fine; they simply want to make it better.
I worry about those who remind others that we live in an imperfect world as a way to justify putting up with injustice and intolerance, as a way to corrupt the moral fiber of our beings. Yet I also acknowledge my own faults in this realm. Oh, how I would love to be one of those "stand up" people! ... But I know too well my own failings. Try as I might to hold to the ideals of a greater Truth, I often flowing with the societal situations in which I find myself. For that matter, I'm entirely capable of corrupting myself when alone with my thoughts.
I didn't mean for this post to take this kind of turn, but I don't have the heart to delete it either. Let me instead turn back to the idea that we need more people of dedicated to the cause of Truth, and that I hope, perhaps one day, to be worthy to stand among them.
You should watch the movie. Even already knowing the historical events around the situation as well as most of its historical outcomes, the movie had me enthralled thanks to a beautifully written script, marvelous acting, and superb direction and editing. I'm a sucker for anything done by Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, or the Coen brothers, so to have a film that combines those three forces should have been enough to get me to see it, but I had no idea it even existed until my parents told me they had seen and enjoyed it. I'm glad they told me.