Some credits: Desiree Ott (whose idea this whole thing was) starts as our principal, Mr. Truesdell; next is Troy Poage (who insisted on wearing a wig and dress) who comes in as our counselor, Ms. Natalie; third is Maryjane Hadaway as our art teacher (and the person filming this video), Mrs. Eggleston; fourth is Hannah Gutchenritter (our main organizer) as our social studies and Spanish teacher (also Trevor's confirmation instructor), Mrs. Pothast; fifth is Dennis Diviney as our long-time social studies teacher, Mr. Moore; sixth is Krystalynn Scott (our dance mixer and choreographer) as our main custodian (and martial arts fan), Mr. Alex; and last is me as our vice principal (and rodeo lover), Mrs. Dufloth.
I hope you enjoy. Janelle sure did.
Link to YouTube video