1. I need to catch up on sleep. According to my Fitbit, I averaged only a little over 5 hours of sleep per day as I stayed up late every night getting things ready for the following day. I'm not sleeping in as long as I would like this weekend, but I'm at least not getting up at 5.
2. I have student work that I need to grade before Monday. As these are some of the first assignments, I need to get them in so they have some sort of grade in PowerSchool. Also, it is best if I do not fall behind right from the start as I have five classes of essays (which I use as a baseline for my students' writing skills) coming in next week.
3. I need to make PDFs and then recordings for one of my classes. I'm still irritated that the district stopped our subscriptions to the online materials for our English textbooks. Without a text-to-speech resource, I record myself reading the stories I assign so that students who struggle with reading (or who just prefer listening) have that resource.
4. I still need to get my courses planned through the semester. My point-based system requires that I keep the larger picture in mind as I put together the smaller pieces. I then need to get those pieces onto Canvas where the students can access them.
5. I have some preliminary notes from the URR on my dissertation for changes I need to make. This is not the official revision request yet, but the URR gave me early advice so that I can work on it while he completes the rest of his review. The URR made some really nice comments, but there are a couple of places that do need a good deal of work.
6. The lawn needs to be mowed, particularly in the dog yard. I'm still not mowing the clover-covered sections as they are still flowering, and I'm hoping that they will go to seed and spread even more. Still, there is a significant section that still needs attention. I do plan to hand this task off to one of my sons, but there will be some whining.
7. I won't get to it this weekend, but there are still a number of trees that I want to take down before this winter. On top of that, there are over fifty felled trees that still need to be cleaned up. This is not a task that I trust to my sons, but I do not have the time just yet.
8. I need to relax. I'm wound pretty tightly right now--almost to the point of paranoia (but is it paranoia if they ARE out to get you?). I get to play some D&D, so hopefully that will help.
I should probably get to work on the first item right now.